
It is intended for the list of actions making in reply to any events.
The dropping out What list allows to choose the kind of event:
  • MIN FREE: the minimal size of free space on the disk.
  • MAX BUSY: the maximal size of the occupied space on the disk.
  • MAX SIZE: the maximal size of file or directory.
  • CHANGE: File changing.
  • COMPLETION: end of the History scanning.
  • APPEAR: appearance of file or directory.
  • DISAPPEAR: disappearance of file or directory.
  • SUCCESS: Successful end of operation.
  • FAILURE: End of operation with an error.

The field Value allows to choose quantitative expression of event.
The field Unit allows to choose a unit of measurements of event.
The dropping out Action list allows to choose the action which is carried out at chosen size achievement by event:
  • Beep: The beep tone turning on on the planar board - it is necessary to specify in the Param field through slash the frequency in Hertz and duration in milliseconds and to put a dash, and there may be several such blocks - "4000/300-10000/500-1000/200-". The beep tone will not be able to handle with 10000 frequency, therefore, there is a silence for a half a second in the middle - there will be one high sound, then one low.
  • Sound: Playing of Windows system sound (by name - for example - "SystemStart") or WAV - file - is necessary to specify the way to the Param field, but it can be only if the sound card is established on your computer and columns are switched on - BEEP will work on any computer - it uses a beep tone on the planar board.
  • Send mail: e-mail sending or SMS messages.
  • Execute: Start on execution of the external program by the command line with the parameters, specified in the field Param.
  • Run Sync: Start of execution of group of synchronization - if you choose this item the list of existing groups is loaded into the dropping out Param list - just choose any.
  • Shut Down: shut down of the computer.
  • Move To Recycle: Moving of the object to the Windows recycle bin, full name of the object (with the way) should be specified in the field Param.
  • Delete: deleting, full name of the object (with the way) should be specified in the field Param.
  • Copy: copy, , full name of the object (with the way) should be specified in the field Param.
  • Move: moving, , full name of the object (with the way) should be specified in the field Param.
  • Rename: renaming, , full name of the object (with the way) should be specified in the field Param.
  • Empty: empty of the directory content, , full name of the object (with the way) should be specified in the field Param.
  • Empty To Recycle: empty of the directory content to the recycle bin, , full name of the object (with the way) should be specified in the field Param.
  • MoveContent: moving of the directory content, , full name of the object (with the way) should be specified in the field Param.

Check box Compound Param allows to set complex parameters of actions - for example: Through the special divider it is possible to specify the old name of the file and a new name of the file if you want to rename. Or the old way of the file and new if you have planned to move or copy. Or the old directory and new if you want to move contents of the directory.
The field Where allows to choose an object, the quantitative indicators of which will be compared to quantitative expression of the event, this may be a disk or a directory, or a file. There are events which do not demand filling of this field, they are - COMPLETION, CHANGE, APPEAR, DISAPPEAR.
The field Param allows to specify parameters of action depending on the selection in the field Action:
  • SEND MAIL: the address list of the e-mail through the sign "|" and the same sign at the end of the list - "||".
  • BEEP: indicate the frequency in Hertz through the slash and the duration in milliseconds and put a dash, and there may be several such blocks - "4000/300-10000/500-1000/200-". The beep tone will not be able to handle with 10000 frequency, therefore, there is a silence for a half a second in the middle - there will be one high sound, silence, then one low.
  • EXECUTE: Command line with parameters.
  • RUN SYNC: Name of the Group of synchronization.

The field Message contains message text that is to be sent by e-mail. The toolbar on the tab Events serves to manage the events and contains the following buttons:
  • - For addition, or changing - after pressing this button a new event will be added into the list if you have not preliminary allocated one of already existing events , otherwise the properties of the allocated event will change.
  • - For removal of the allocated event.
  • - for the action testing - for example, checks of sounding or mail sending not waiting for the event approach.
  • - for the window closing.